More Mysterious Parts & Shiny Clean Pipes
Electronic parts have arrived from Germany.
What they all do is not always clear, but we have faith that they will make the
organ send out beautiful music. Here are some:
Chest Magnets are being fit to the
pedal chest. They will pull open the pallets.
There will be lots of careful wiring to do here.
When a pedal
at the console is played it will push down on the Lever (on the right) and make contact with the wires (on the left) which will relay the electrical signal to the magnets (see chest magnets, above), allowing wind to the pipes.
New Slider
Motors! Twenty one of these will replace the failed pneumatic and screen
door spring devices in previous use.
Pretty Simple !?!
Pipes Get Washed, Pipes Get Un-Squashed
Dents are gently taken out with a leathered block
Meanwhile back at
Grace, the Organ Chamber build-out continues.