Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And the works moves to the Baptistery

The work on the back wall moves along. The Restoration Committee decided to do some extra pointing on the back wall which is now complete. The insulation is now in, and the plasterer has begun his work, which will take about two weeks. The new covering over the Rose Window will go up shortly.

The Baptistery is now covered in plastic, and most of the old plaster demoed. Shortly. carpenters and plasterers will work on rebuilding the section. A couple of pews needed to be removed for this, and the work will be a bit more obvious on Sunday mornings, but we hope that it will be done soon.

Construction is taking a little bit longer than expected; now we hope the work will be done by Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Construction Update - 10/19/11

Construction is progressing, though somewhat slower than was hoped. The Restoration Committee decided to do some more pointing on the back wall than was originally planned to prevent potential leaks. Our consultants have also determined that the center beam under the church is sound and secure, and needs to other work than preventing more water infiltration to it. At this writing, we are awaiting the insulation and vapor barrier on the back wall to be installed and plastering to begin. Please speak to Wes Foote, Restoration Committee Chair, with any questions you may have.